
图1 包含测量电流、电压和温度变化的高通量循环数据集的典型图,根据容量、IR、电压和温度可进行老化分析。
(1)34 个标称容量为 2 Ah的18650锂离子电池的数据电池在一系列环境温度(4°C、24°C、43°C)下以CC-CV充电、不同方式放电循环测试。该数据集包括电流、电压和电池温度,以及放电容量和的循环测量EIS阻抗。数据集以“.mat”格式提供。(2)28个标称容量为2.2Ah的钴酸锂 (LCO)18650电池的数据

数据集由 7 组组成,每组4个电池,在设定的环境温度(室温,40°C)下循环,每组电池采用不同的充放电方式循环测试。该数据集包括电流、电压和电池温度,以及放电容量和每 50 个循环的 EIS 阻抗。数据集以“.mat”格式提供下载。
2、The Centre for Advanced Life Cycle Engineering (CALCE)



数据集包含 357个 由 A123 Systems (APR18650M1A) 制造的商用 LFP/石墨电池,额定容量为1.1Ah,数据集以“.csv”、MATLAB 结构体和JSON 结构体格式提供,并随数据提供了一个带有脚本的 GitHub 存储库链接。(1)Data-driven prediction of battery cycle life before capacity degradationThis dataset, used in our publication “Data-driven prediction of battery cycle life before capacity degradation”, consists of 124 commercial lithium-ion batteries cycled to failure under fast-charging conditions. These lithium-ion phosphate (LFP)/graphite cells, manufactured by A123 Systems (APR18650M1A), were cycled in horizontal cylindrical fixtures on a 48-channel Arbin LBT potentiostat in a forced convection temperature chamber set to 30°C. The cells have a nominal capacity of 1.1 Ah and a nominal voltage of 3.3 V.The objective of this work is to optimize fast charging for lithium-ion batteries. As such, all cells in this dataset are charged with a one-step or two-step fast-charging policy. This policy has the format “C1(Q1)-C2”, in which C1 and C2 are the first and second constant-current steps, respectively, and Q1 is the state-of-charge (SOC, %) at which the currents switch. The second current step ends at 80% SOC, after which the cells charge at 1C CC-CV. The upper and lower cutoff potentials are 3.6 V and 2.0 V, respectively, which are consistent with the manufacturer’s specifications. These cutoff potentials are fixed for all current steps, including fast charging; after some cycling, the cells may hit the upper cutoff potential during fast charging, leading to significant constant-voltage charging. All cells discharge at 4C.(2)Closed-loop optimization of extreme fast charging for batteries using machine learningThis dataset, used in our publication “Closed-loop optimization of extreme fast charging for batteries using machine learning”, consists of commercial lithium-ion batteries cycled under fast-charging conditions. These lithium-ion phosphate (LFP)/graphite cells, manufactured by A123 Systems (APR18650M1A), were cycled in horizontal cylindrical fixtures on a 48-channel Arbin LBT potentiostat in a forced convection temperature chamber set to 30°C. The cells have a nominal capacity of 1.1 Ah and a nominal voltage of 3.3 V.The objective of this work is to optimize fast charging for lithium-ion batteries. As such, all cells in this dataset are charged with one of 224 six-step, 10-minute fast-charging protocols. These protocols have the format “CC1-CC2-CC3-CC4”, as documented in the manuscript. The upper and lower cutoff potentials are 3.6 V and 2.0 V, respectively, which are consistent with the manufacturer’s specifications. These cutoff potentials are fixed for all current steps, including fast charging; after some cycling, the cells may hit the upper cutoff potential during fast charging, leading to significant constant-voltage charging. All cells discharge at 4C.4、桑迪亚国家实验室Sandia national lab总共有 86 个电池(30 个 LFP、24 个 NCA 和 32 个 NMC),LFP电池是A123 Systems (APR18650M1A, 1.1 Ah),NCA电池是Panasonic (NCR18650B, 3.2 Ah),NMC电池是LG Chem (18650HG2, 3 Ah)5、牛津大学电池智能实验室Battery intelligence lab at the university of Oxford28 个商用 3 Ah 18650 NCA/石墨电池 (NCR18650BD)。数据集分为 3 部分(第 1、2 和 3 部分),28 个电池分为 10 组(9 组 3 个电池;1 组 1 个电池),均在 24 °C 下进行测试,数据包括时间、电流、电压、容量和温度,以及 RPT 和 EIS 测试数据。第 1-4 组,每组 3 个电池,以低倍率(C/2 和 C/4)循环老化,然后进行 5 或 10 天的日历老化,每 48 个循环运行一次 RPT。前 18 个月的实验数据显示在“第 1 部分”,第 19-36 个月数据在“第 2 部分”中。在第 2 部分中,第 5 组和第 6 组作为对照实验。第 5 组的电池连续 C/2 循环,而第 6 组仅日历老化(90% SOC)。第 7-10 组出现在数据集的“第 3 部分”中,每个组都使用 CC-CV方式循环,然后进行 5 或 10 天的日历老化。定期使用 (RPT) 和 EIS 测试来表征电池,以区分不同存储时间和倍率对电池老化的影响。6、夏威夷自然能源研究所Hawaii natural energy institute15 个商用 2.8 Ah NMC-LCO/石墨 18650 电池(LG Chem,型号“ICR18650 C2”)。电池在 25°C 下以固定的 1.5C 放电和 C/2 充电循环1000 次循环。该数据集包含电流、电压和充电/放电容量和能量的循环测量值,以及充电/放电容量,大约每 100 个循环运行 RPT。文件采用“.csv”格式提供下载。7、Electric Vehicle Enhanced Range, Lifetime And Safety Through INGenious battery management’ (EVERLASTING)28个3.5 Ah 商用18650锂离子电池在一系列温度(0 °C、10 °C、25 °C 和 45 °C)、放电倍率(0.5C、3C)和充电倍率(0.5C,1C)下循环测试,所提供的数据为“.csv”格式。11 个 NMC/石墨 40 Ah 电池在室温下充电/放电循环3.5 Ah LG Chem NCA INR18650 MJ1 电池在固定环境温度 (24 °C) 下循环 400 次,提供温度、电压和以及充电/放电容量的每个循环测量,以“.csv”格式给出。